Military & Veteran Services


The Veterans Affairs Office is located in Crites Hall Room 110. We are available to Veterans, dependents, 家庭成员回答问题并为退伍军人及其家属提供帮助.

所有希望获得福利的退伍军人必须向退伍军人事务部提交申请 benefits. Forms, information on work study opportunities, and eligibility requirements can be obtained through our office. 如需预约查德隆州立大学退伍军人事务代表,请发送电子邮件

Deployment/Active Duty

如果军事成员被要求现役/部署,而目前在CSC注册, members will have the option to:

  1. Drop all courses with no financial penalty
  2. Remain enrolled in your current classes
  3. Petition for incompletes

To receive 100% drop from courses for a full refund, 需要将现役信的副本提交给CSC退伍军人服务办公室.  Contact Veterans Services Office if you have questions or need assistance.

If the tuition and fees were paid from other sources, those funds will be refunded to the appropriate agency.

If the tuition and fees were paid out of pocket, those funds will be refunded to the military student.

To remain enrolled in your current courses, please make appropriate arrangements with your instructors.

申请不完整的成绩,学生必须填写并提交 Incomplete Grade Petition Form to the instructor of the specific course.  如果得到指导老师的批准,请愿书将被转发给院长.

Student Responsibilities

有些教育福利是给退伍军人的,有些是给退伍军人的配偶和/或家属的. 退伍军人事务部可能需要长达12周的时间来处理教育福利申请. Chadron州立大学不确定退伍军人是否有资格获得福利(教育福利), basic allowance for housing (BAH) or other stipends). 如果您对如何确定资格有疑问,您可以联系St. Louis at 314-552-9741 or 888-442-4551. 学生有责任联系退伍军人事务部进行核实.


  • 沟通任何入学变更(加、退、退、换专业等).) to the Veterans Services Office as soon as possible. 注册和入学的变化可能会影响学生的福利,在某些情况下可能会导致资金的返还和偿还.
  • 与学生金融服务办公室安排由查德龙州立学院收取的费用. This must be completed by the semester payment deadlines.
  • 每月自行向退伍军人管理局报告登记信息(第30章和第1606章). 这可以通过电话1-877-VA-ECERT(1-877-823-2378)或通过 WAVE website.
  • 保持他们的地址和直接存款信息与VA最新. 地址变更也需要通知退伍军人服务办公室.
Transfer Credit for Military Services

为了让查德龙州立学院处理或授予任何军事服务学分, please have a copy of your DD214 sent to 您的DD-214将满足基本研究成果#11的要求- 3小时. 您也可以将您的联合服务成绩单或空军大学/社区学院成绩单提交至 看看有没有其他军事学校或课程可以转换成学分. 请记住,并不是所有的军事学校/课程都与乍得州立大学提供的课程有关.

Military Tuition Assistance Program

军事学费援助是支付给符合条件的军队成员的福利, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard. 国会赋予各服务机构最高100%支付其成员学费的能力.

Each service has its own criteria for eligibility, obligated service, application process' and restrictions. 这笔钱通常由个人服务直接支付给查德隆州立学院.

Additionally active duty members may elect to use the GI Bill® "top-up" 此外,他们还为助教提供服务,以支付费用高昂的课程.

To apply go to

You will need to submit your Authorization online to

Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018

Chadron State College follows the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 and will not impose any penalty including: 1) the assessment of late fees; 2) the denial of access to classes; 3) libraries or other institutional facilities and/or 4) require a Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 recipient borrow additional funds to cover the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to Chadron State College due to the delayed disbursement of a payment by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. 这一要求仅限于由退伍军人事务部支付的部分资金. 受保个人必须与商务办公室联系,要求豁免学院的付款政策.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Recruitment of Members of the Department of Defense

Chadron State College will not provide commission, 直接或间接基于确保服务成员登记的奖金或其他激励付款.

查德龙州立大学不会使用高压招生策略,如当天入学, making 3 or more unsolicited contacts by phone, email, or in-person.

Enrollment Approval ESO or Service Component

所有确定有意使用国防部学费援助的学生将被指导与其教育服务官员(ESO)交谈。, military counselor, 或服务之前,在查德龙州立大学注册课程. CSC招生代表和START顾问将指导国防部成员学生联系他们的ESO以获得学费援助(TA)批准.

Estimated Price of Books and other Course Materials


Chadron State College Cohort Default Rate

Chadron State College’s Cohort Default Rates. This rate is updated annually and displayed on this page.

Return Policy for Tuition Assistance (TA) Funds

Students who receive orders to deploy, PCS, 或参加培训,而登记在查德隆州立大学课程可要求, in writing, a grade of Incomplete, continue the course, or request to withdraw and receive a 100% refund. Without orders the following withdrawal policy will apply: Military Tuition Assistance Withdrawal Policy

没有部署就退出的军人的学费援助返还政策, PCS, 或培训订单反映了我们的联邦财政援助(标题IV)的回报政策,并基于实际出勤天数,而不是周或百分比.

Transfer Credit

Re-admissions Policy

Chadron State College is an open enrollment institution. 如果服役人员和预备役人员由于服役要求暂时无法上课或不得不暂停学业,他们将被重新录取.

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